Co-creating a sustainable coaching model.

From government entities to tech startups, McKendry & CO is working with a wide variety of organizations to create lasting change.


rTribe is a coaching and counseling platform that is currently reaching over 320,000 people. Originally developed as a disease model approach (attempting to help miserable people be less miserable), rTribe is now developing a health model approach that is more consistent with the gospel and oriented toward helping people discover what true happiness is and how to find it. Our work with rTribe will be to train and on-board as many gospel centered coaches as possible. Those coaches will then be able to provide services to countless individuals in all walks of life -- including those getting out of jail/prison.


TRACKtech was founded by a number of individuals with military intelligence backgrounds. Their smartphone platform application is designed to replace the antiquated technology of the “ankle monitor” utilized for offenders once they are released from jail or prison. TT’s platform provides “statutory compliance” data for probation and parole officers to ensure that the offender is maintaining compliance to court ordered issues. We are working with TT to provide additional services to their clients through coaching and counseling services that will significantly improve their ability to maintain compliance and to transform former attitudes and behavior.


Side-by-side is a program implemented at the Denver County Jail to provide classes for general population. Once applicants are accepted in the program, it will provide pre and post-release services to men and women that will assist them in changing the attitudinal and behavioral patterns that put them in jail in the first place. We believe that changing those patterns will result in sustainable change once they are released from jail and return to their day-to-day lives. Ultimately, we hope to be able to significantly reduce recidivism from their current 70-80 rates to those that are between 15-20%. That reduction will not only spare the lives of these people, their families, and communities continued unspeakable misery, it will also save millions of dollars in our local and state systems.


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