TTI Success Insights® (TTI SI)

about tti si


what we do

For over 30 years , TTI SI has researched and applied social and brain science, creating assessment solutions consultants in 90 countries and 40 languages used to hire, develop and retain the best talent in the world. TTI SI assessments are at work in the Fortune 1000 companies and have worked with over 100,000 companies over the years. 

The company’s assessments, which are based around five behavioral sciences, empower individuals with greater self-awareness by informing them about how they behave, why they behave a certain way, and what skills they possess and have mastered along the way. To learn more about TTI SI click here.

McKendry & Company is a talent management solutions provider specializing in Behaviors, Motivators, Acumen, Competencies, and Emotional Intelligence. Since 2011, we have been a proud partner of TTI Success Insights (TTI SI), the world’s leading developer of research-based, validated behavioral assessments.

These insightful and comprehensive assessments are helpful tools that are used both personally and professionally. To help you and your team get the most out of the assessments, we offer one-on-one debriefs as well as a co-creation of customized coaching or consulting packages.

We also offer training and certification in Behaviors, 12 Driving Forces, and Motivators. Employees and leaders who are trained and certified in TTI SI’s assessments experience:

• Greater self-awareness and personal growth
• Better engagement amongst employees
• Increased team and organizational efficiencies • Clarity in purpose and communication